Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Current Events

The Bowen House hosts events and exhibits often. January's exhibit was Fire and Ice and had many pieces shown that were both beautiful and collectable. The Bowen House is currently hosting the Treasures from Trees exhibit since February 7 and ends this Saturday, the 28th. Many types of woodworking art is being displayed by numerous artists from the area. Art includes carving, chip carvings, wood sculptures and others to create items like musical instruments, toys, etc.

The month of March has some excitement coming to the community. The Seedling Art Exhibit will open March 7 and continue on through the month. It will have pieces of art from Logann-Hocking students from kintergarden through high school students.


  1. I really like the topic. It's something that not a lot of OU students know about (or at least me!) and it's interesting to know that we have those kinds of resources around the area. I think it's a great idea also that they encourage participation from the community by showcasing kids' of all ages artwork. That will interest quite a few people. How did you find out about the Bowen House?
    I also like the placing of the picture. It accents the layout well.

  2. *I did not create this video from YouTube. I just came across it and thought it was cool.
